CMS Awards
We have come to the end of another cycle of the CMS certificate. This is a course we run to
encourage and enable people to find and grow their pioneering gift. For those who want to
its also a means of working towards being commissioned as a lay pioneer in the Diocese of
As ever we have had a fabulous group of students on the course over the past year. All
called to different contexts: village communities, spiritual seekers, families and children, the
canal boat community, a marginalised housing estate. And all finding in the course a place to
explore how they might creatively come alongside people in these contexts, build
relationship and witness to the love of Christ.
We recently held our award ceremony where some of those on the course were able to
come and receive their awards. Bishop Karen was also present to commission three new lay
pioneers. Our theme was the sea, and pioneering as a journey into the unknown blown by
the wind of the Spirit. Everyone joined in making coracles!
During the event Pip Sanday from Devizes, who is leading in mission to the narrowboat
community on the canal there, spoke about how the course has impacted her:
In February 2023 I started Shower Tuesday for boaters at St James Centre, as a
test, to see what would happen. In May, at Lee Abbey I had a picture of a Prayer
Boat, while seeking discernment. I started to attend monthly ‘Canal Prayer’ – guided
prayer mornings led by Margaret Brown: a lifeline; connecting with and listening to
I had been put in touch with a friend, an artist with an interest in narrowboats, and
found he had just finished the CMS certificate in Pioneer Mission. The word ‘Pioneer’
grabbed my attention. I started the CMS certificate in July.
The course has taught me Laurie Green’s Reflective Cycle – which I have used to
evaluate, stop and start Shower Tuesday, with a new way forward, purpose and
intention of ‘being with’, with a team from St James. A learning point from the Rural
Mission module was seeing Shower Tuesday in terms of a cover-crop; not for short-
term harvest, but to enhance and prepare the soil for the future.
At the Missional Church module, one of the images used showed people at a craft-
prayer-café, in Poole. This spoke to me with a jolt, with an image of people doing
creative prayer looking out of the large windows of day-boat Litania. I shared this
image with Rob and Trish, and we prayed to make Jesus known on the Kennet and
Avon Canal.
The dream of a Prayer Boat continues and I, with a team, have been generously
offered the use of Litania for a few months, to see where God leads. A floating
prayer space is beckoning with opportunities to engage in new, fun, purposeful ways
with people on the edge of society and on the edge of church.
The reflective cycle has enabled me to question my doubts and see God leading me.
I am embarking on finding out what God has ahead, as a lay pioneer based at St
James Devizes. The course has enabled me to catch up with God – who He has
made me and who He is making me become.
If you or anyone you know would like to go on this formational journey in pioneer ministry do
get in touch. We will be starting a new cycle of the CMS certificate in January 2025 and
applications for this are now open.
You can find more info here.
Information flier.
Or contact Sally Taylor for an informal chat;